Sowkind Retreats
The Sowkind One-Day Retreat offers participants a day
filled opportunities to be restored in body, mind, and spirit through
main session speakers and restorative breakout sessions. We believe that
kindness turned inward leads to inner work and revives kindness
expressed outward. The One-Day Retreat offers a safe space for
participants to slow down, take inventory, and refuel for the journey.
Registration for our Spring 2024 One-Day Retreat is OPEN!
Are you interested in getting away, but you don't want to pack a bag or sleep with a snorer?
Do you crave connection and desire to cultivate community?
Are you afraid of attending another retreat and being bombarded with ideas you cannot find the energy to implement?
We understand all of that, and we have designed this experience to be filling for participants in body, mind, and spirit.
Here is what participants are saying about their previous retreat experience.
"I had a great prayer time connecting with God in the beautiful surroundings of the ranch. I loved the relaxed atmosphere and getting to choose from several breakout sessions."
"Time frame was very doable, it offered me enough time for reflection and now I am ready to practice what I was taught. Enjoyed meeting new people."
"I came home refreshed and a bit more at peace in my soul. I wish I could have gone to all the breakout sessions."
"Thank you for pouring out your hearts. Your genuine authentic teaching means the most."
"Found the quiet time in nature helpful to study the material I was given for prayer."

Sowkind Growth Workshops
Growth Workshops provide
an opportunity to engage in community and kindness. Participants are
encouraged to experience the momentum of community to accomplish
kindness inward and expressed outward. Workshops are half-day
Registration for our next Growth Workshop is now open.
Click on the image to register.